几乎一半的受访者在亚虎电子游戏官网平台的* 2021年中国商业环境调查报告 是否受到国际贸易政策和制裁变化的影响. The tensions between the United States and China have undoubtedly been felt over the past couple of years, 最终导致一场涉及关税的贸易冲突, 双方实施的技术限制和制裁.

关税是媒体关注的焦点, but potentially the largest impact on Swedish companies could come from the US Entity List which effectively prohibits the export or re-export of US goods to selected Chinese entities. While only 16 per cent of companies in 团队亚虎电子游戏官网平台’s Business Climate Survey explicitly confirm that they are affected by these types of controls, 在这种情况下,后果可能特别严重.  


截至6月1日st 2021, 美国当局已将410家中国实体列入黑名单, 其中有几家是今天亚虎电子游戏官网平台公司的客户. 即使产品是在美国以外制造的, Swedish companies are not in the clear and a potential breach of the new policies would involve substantial fines and potentially jail sentences for involved individuals.

That is why building an understanding of these policies and how they affect business 操作 is so vital. 除了合规方面, the risk of sudden supply cuts of critical components from the US makes Swedish companies trading with customers on the Entity List vulnerable.   

违反《出口管理条例》的, all parties involved would be investigated to determine their role in the violation.” 美国工业和安全局.S. 商务部

The US Commerce Department Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has continuously implemented stricter restrictions on the exports of US goods to blacklisted Chinese companies, 尤其是针对中国科技巨头华为. These regulations mean that any transaction of items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to a company on the Entity List could be a violation.

此外, the EAR also covers certain items produced using US technologies as well as US-controlled materials, 不管它们在哪里生产. 自2018年以来,这些规定更新得更加频繁, effectively restricting Huawei and associated entities from accessing certain key parts and components such as semiconductors.

结果是, Swedish companies operating in global supply chains need to carefully evaluate the risks of their involvement in ordering, 购买, or using any goods subject to the EAR and directly or indirectly transferring these to a company on the Entity List.


Acquiring industry and product specific knowledge about the regulations and related responsibilities is essential for 合规 with the US Entity List. 鉴于实体列表和限制是不断更新的, companies need to monitor the changes and interpret how these might affect their supply chains and business 操作 globally.

在这种情况下,基于场景的规划是一种有效的工具. The potential impact of changes in the existing regulations should be assessed where, 例如, the cost of changing suppliers should be weighed against the cost of losing market share in any given segment.  


  • 你们有中国客户在美国实体清单上吗?
  • 美国实体清单涵盖了哪些类型的商业活动?
  • 你们产品中使用的材料来自哪里?
  • EAR是否适用于您的具体情况?
  • 在生产中是否使用了美国的特殊控制技术?
  • 存在哪些供应替代方案??
  • 顾客价值是否仍然能证明增加的亚虎电子老虎机网址成本是合理的?

你需要帮助吗?? We can help you identify your risk exposure from the US Entity List and avoid the pitfalls. 亚虎电子老虎机网址进行深入分析.


Per portsamen,上海市场经理 
电话:+86 2162189955.porten@business-sweden.se

Robin agn,上海项目经理

亚虎电子游戏官网平台驻北京大使馆, 亚虎电子游戏官网平台驻上海总领事馆, 中国亚虎电子游戏官网平台商会, 和亚虎电子老虎机网址

*Note: The survey was conducted among member companies of the 中国亚虎电子游戏官网平台商会 during two weeks of April 2021.